Now install the NVIDIA driver and restart again your computer : sudo bash NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-410.73. Update kernal initramfs run : sudo update-initramfs -uĪnd reboot your computer with : sudo reboot This is a manual for installing the NVIDIA GPU driver on Linux (Ubuntu/Debian). Then type the following commend to check if you are doing right : cat /etc/modprobe.d/nf This is a manual for installing the NVIDIA GPU driver on Linux (Ubuntu/Debian). Contents 1 USE flags 2 Hardware compatibility 2. It uses an eclass to detect what kind of card the system is running so that it installs the proper version. sudo add-apt-repository contrib Now add the non-free repository. The package contains the latest drivers from NVIDIA with support for most NVIDIA graphic cards, with several versions available depending on the age of the card. This can be quickly done using the following commands. Sudo bash -c "echo options nouveau modeset=0 > /etc/modprobe.d/nf" 1st Method: Install NVIDIA Drivers: Debian Repository Installation Pre setup The first task is enabling the contrib and non-free repositories to your Debian repositories.

Then you should disable Nouveau NVIDIA default driver, run this command : sudo bash -c "echo blacklist nouveau > /etc/modprobe.d/nf" Download the latest driver from the NVIDIA website: Create a new pair of private key ( Nvidia. Then run this commands : sudo apt-get install gcc (Do not forget to write your file name correctly)

When the installation is completed, go to the file and ensure the script to be runnable run this command : chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-410.73.run If youre intending to run AAA games on Linux, youll need to ensure youre using the latest graphics. Ok, now you need to access the following website to download the Nvidia driver :įrom here, you should choose the NVIDIA Driver features that are compatible with your device, as shown in the picture: Heres how to install Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu.

This will give you all the features you need to run NVIDIA on your device. Run this command in your terminal : ubuntu-drivers devices