The pulse-length can be freely determined by the user. The bit-encoding is currently very simple. Both of them are published on GitHub ( RFTransmitter and RFReceiver) under the Gnu GPL. The source code for this library is actually split into two libraries that work together. Finally rc-switch is optimized to be compatible with remote controlled light or mains switches and is not really suitable for the transmission of arbitrary data packets. Maybe that's because there is some kind of AM interference in my apartment. I couldn't get it to work reliably even at close range. VirtualWire is no longer maintained and it seems to be quite sensitive to radio interference. RadioHead for example is quite big and has an unnecessary dependency on the SPI library. There already are a few libraries that work with these cheap little modules, namely VirtualWire and its successor RadioHead as well as rc-switch, but I wasn't quite happy with either of them. I have just finished my new Arduino library for 433 MHz AM radio modules with a focus on reliable one-way communication and forward error correction. New Arduino library for 433 MHz AM radio modules Author Andreas Rohner Date Thu Category Electronics New Arduino library for 433 MHz AM radio modules My Notebook